Films Vol 1


I collect films in video disc and tape form. Here are some favorite directors and films. Pick your favorite and come on over and we'll make popcorn!

This file has A-M by director. Click here for N-Z.

Woody Allen

Robert Altman

Lindsay Anderson

Richard Attenborough

Paul Bartel

Albert Brooks

Tim Burton

Frank Capra

Francis Ford Coppola

Kevin Costner

George Cukor

Brian de Palma

Stanley Donen

Clint Eastwood

 Blake Edwards

Federico Fellini

John Ford

Milos Forman

Sam Fuller

Terry Gilliam

Robin Hardy

Henry Hathaway

George R. Hill

Arthur Hiller

Alfred Hitchcock

Dennis Hopper

Ron Howard

Tim Hunter

John Huston

James Ivory

Norman Jewison

Roland Joffe

L.Q. Jones

Terry Jones

Lawrence Kasdan

Philip Kaufman

Elia Kazan

Irvin Kershner

Stanley Kubrick

Akira Kurosawa

John Landis

Charles Laughton

David Loxton

David Lean

Joshua Logan

George Lucas

David Lynch

Adrian Lyne

Terrence Malick

Louis Mallé

Michael Mann

Richard Marquand

Kieth Merrill

Nicholas Meyer

David Miller

George Miller

Monty Python


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