Papers in refereed Journals

  1. Schaefer DW, Banks G, and Alpert SS.Intensity Fluctuation Spectroscopy of Motile Microorganisms.Nature 1974;284:162-164.

  2. Banks. G, Schaefer DW, and Alpert SS.Light-Scattering Study of the Temperature Dependence of Escherichia Coli Motility.Biophysical Journal 1975: 15: 253-261.

  3. Alpert SS and Banks G.The Concentration Dependence of the Hemoglobin Mutual Diffusion Coefficient.Biophysical Chemistry 1976;4: 287-296.

  4. Caplan LR, Thomas C, and Banks G.Central Nervous System Complications of Addiction to "T's and Blues."Neurology 1982;32:623-628.

  5. Caplan LR, Hier DB, and Banks G.Stroke and Drug Abuse.Stroke 1982;13:869-871.

  6. Banks G and Weimer B.Symbolic Coordinate Anatomy for Neurology (SCAN). Journal of Medical Systems 1984;8:157-162.

  7. Banks G, Nielsen VK, Short MP, and Kowal CD.Brachial Plexus Myoclonus. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 1985;48:582-584.

  8. Banks G.Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnosis:The CADUCEUS/INTERNIST Experience.CRC Critical Reviews in Medical Informatics 1986;1:23-54.

  9. Banks G, Vries JK, and McLinden S. Radiologic Automated Diagnosis.Computer Programs in Biomedicine 1987;25:157-167.

  10. Laramore GE, Altschuler MD, Banks G, Kalet IJ, Pajak TF, Schulteiss TE, and Zink S.Applications of data bases and AI/expert systems in radiation therapy. Am J Clin Oncol 1988;11(3):387-393.

  11. Banks G, Short P, Martinez AJ, Latchaw R, Ratcliff G, and Boller F.Alien Hand Syndrome:Clinical and Postmortem Findings.Archives of Neurology 1989;46:456-459.

  12. Becker JT, Caldararo R, Baddeley AD, Dew MA, Heindel WC, Banks G, Dorst SK, and Lopez OL.Methodological considerations in estimating speed of cognitive operations.Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 1995:3-9.

  13. Buchanan BG, Moore JD, Forsythe DE, Carenini G, Ohlsson S, and Banks G.An Intelligent Interactive System for Delivering Individualized Information to Patients. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 1995; 7:117-154.

  14. Lopez OL, Becker JT, Banks G, Giconi J, Sanchez J, and Dorst SK. Development of Subtle Neurological Signs after Systemic Illness in HIV-Infected Individuals. European Neurology 1996 36:71-75.

  15. Dew MA, Becker JT, Sanchez J, Caldararo R, Lopez OL, Wess J, Dorst SK, and Banks G. Prevalence and Predictors of Depressive, Anxiety and Substance Use Disorders in HIV-Infected Men: a Longitudinal Evaluation. Psychological Medicine 1997 27: 395-409.

  16. Citro G, Banks G, and Cooper G. INKBLOT: A neurological diagnostic decision support system integrating causal and anatomical knowledge. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 1997 10: 257-267.

Refereed Papers in Conference Proceedings

Refereed Published Abstracts

Invited Presentations

Invited Published Papers:

  1. Caplan LR, Hier DB, and Banks G.Stroke and Drug Abuse.Current Concepts of Cerebrovascular Disease:Stroke 1982;17:9.

  2. Banks G.Computer Assisted Neurology.Proceedings of CAR '89(Computer Assisted Radiology), Berlin, June 25-28, 1989, HU Lemke, Ed. Springer Verlag, 1989.pp. 281-286

Book Chapters:

  1. Banks G.Microcomputers in Neurology.In: Microcomputers in Medicine, Geisow & Barrett, eds.Elsevier Science Publishers 1987.pp.159-183.

  2. Vries JK, McLinden S, Banks G, Latchaw RE.Computerized Three-dimensional Stereotactic Atlases. LD Lunsford, ed.Martinous Nejhoff Publishing, 1988.pp. 441-459.

Ph.D. Dissertation:

Intensity Fluctuation Spectrosocopy of Heme Proteins and Motile Microorganisms.University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 1973.